We help lawmakers create the right regulatory frameworks to foster growth and protect people in a digital world.
The digital world is full of both opportunity and risk. We’ve helped governments develop policies to accelerate the use of digital tools and technologies that maximise those opportunities, while ensuring people are appropriately protected. Effective digital regulation is key for a free, fair and safe society.
We’ve worked as specialist advisers to ministers and senior civil servants across a range of critical issues, from access to personal data by the security services, to the European Data Protection Directive, to UK economic policy for stimulating the creative industries.
Supporting lawmakers develop policy and regulations for a digital world

When the government wanted to strengthen the economic policy framework for the creative industries, they asked us to be policy advisors. We gave input to the Minister for Small Business in the UK’s department of trade and industry, helping create key initiatives to drive growth by developing incentives for the visual arts, start-ups and digital media.

Data protection is one of the most fundamental rights in a digital society. Digital Strategy Consulting was appointed by the European Commission as specialist policy advisors on the creation of the EU data protection directive that pre-dated GDPR. We recommended approaches that balanced the need for commerce with the importance of permission and the fundamental rights to digital privacy.

To create more effective legislation that would defend freedoms in a digital world, Digital Strategy Consulting was appointed as specialist policy advisors to the Home Secretary. We helped create legislation that would deliver an effective balance between the needs of the UK’s security services and other investigatory authorities, with the fundamental rights of privacy. This helped rebuild the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).

To help stimulate the media industry and digital start-ups, our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, served as a specialist advisor on initiatives to drive the creative industries for the UK government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

At Digital Strategy Consulting, we believe in a free and fair society, with the needs of business balanced by the rights to digital privacy. When we worked for the Home Secretary as specialist advisors on data protection, we advised on the creation of an effective Information Commissioner’s Office. This resulted in the launch of a new government department with more than 500 staff that would later pioneer the defence of citizen’s rights. This is cited as a world-class model.

To help stimulate the content industries and encourage young start-ups, the government set up an NGO. Our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, served as a co-founder and non-executive director of the government-created industry association to drive growth initiatives for the creative industries as part of policy initiatives for the UK government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Being able to trust the advertising and commercial statements you see online is key for an effective and fair market. As long-time supporters of the Advertising Standards Association and the Committee of Advertising Practice, our CEO helped in drafting the codes of advertising for digital media in the UK and served on numerous committees. We coached ASA staff on key aspects of digital media to ensure advertising on the web can be honest, decent and truthful.

To help strengthen public services, we’ve given advice to members of the UK government’s Cabinet Office during the Labour administration on how to strengthen key public service digital platforms to improve effectiveness. Small changes in these platforms can be transformational in their effectiveness.

Creative Industries Taskforce
We believe the UK can be a world leader in digital media and marketing and when government teams have asked for advice, members of our leadership team contributed actively to help accelerate the growth of the UK’s creative industry.

Creating a strong digital economy is key to Ireland’s prosperity. To help encourage growth of the digital economy in Ireland, our VPs and CEO were invited to give advice to Ministers of the Irish government.

We’re passionate believers in the potential of the UK to lead the digital media and marketing industries. Our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, has worked as a specialist advisor to ministers in all three of the UK’s main political parties to strengthen policies and regulations to create a stronger economy and digital society. By supporting lawmakers, we help them create the right frameworks for growth that unlocked the UK’s entrepreneurship and talent.

All Party Parliamentary Group
Our work to support the growth of the UK’s creative industries includes active engagement with - and recognition from - various All Party Parliamentary Groups in the UK government. Our CEO endeavours to make our resources available to lawmakers when needed so they can create more effective digital regulation that balances the needs of business with privacy and consumer rights.

Ethiopian government
Strong digital access is key for transforming literacy, health, farming and economic growth in the Horn of Africa. To ensure access to the latest healthcare thinking and tools of the digital economy, our CEO , Danny Meadows-Klue, gave advice to the Minister for Telecommunications in Ethiopia as part of one of our grants in Digital Strategy Consulting’s Social Responsibility programme.

When the government wanted to strengthen the economic policy framework for the creative industries, they asked us to be policy advisors. We gave input to the Minister for Small Business in the UK’s department of trade and industry, helping create key initiatives to drive growth by developing incentives for the visual arts, start-ups and digital media.

Data protection is one of the most fundamental rights in a digital society. Digital Strategy Consulting was appointed by the European Commission as specialist policy advisors on the creation of the EU data protection directive that pre-dated GDPR. We recommended approaches that balanced the need for commerce with the importance of permission and the fundamental rights to digital privacy.

To create more effective legislation that would defend freedoms in a digital world, Digital Strategy Consulting was appointed as specialist policy advisors to the Home Secretary. We helped create legislation that would deliver an effective balance between the needs of the UK’s security services and other investigatory authorities, with the fundamental rights of privacy. This helped rebuild the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).

To help stimulate the media industry and digital start-ups, our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, served as a specialist advisor on initiatives to drive the creative industries for the UK government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

At Digital Strategy Consulting, we believe in a free and fair society, with the needs of business balanced by the rights to digital privacy. When we worked for the Home Secretary as specialist advisors on data protection, we advised on the creation of an effective Information Commissioner’s Office. This resulted in the launch of a new government department with more than 500 staff that would later pioneer the defence of citizen’s rights. This is cited as a world-class model.

To help stimulate the content industries and encourage young start-ups, the government set up an NGO. Our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, served as a co-founder and non-executive director of the government-created industry association to drive growth initiatives for the creative industries as part of policy initiatives for the UK government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Being able to trust the advertising and commercial statements you see online is key for an effective and fair market. As long-time supporters of the Advertising Standards Association and the Committee of Advertising Practice, our CEO helped in drafting the codes of advertising for digital media in the UK and served on numerous committees. We coached ASA staff on key aspects of digital media to ensure advertising on the web can be honest, decent and truthful.

To help strengthen public services, we’ve given advice to members of the UK government’s Cabinet Office during the Labour administration on how to strengthen key public service digital platforms to improve effectiveness. Small changes in these platforms can be transformational in their effectiveness.

Creative Industries Taskforce
We believe the UK can be a world leader in digital media and marketing and when government teams have asked for advice, members of our leadership team contributed actively to help accelerate the growth of the UK’s creative industry.

Creating a strong digital economy is key to Ireland’s prosperity. To help encourage growth of the digital economy in Ireland, our VPs and CEO were invited to give advice to Ministers of the Irish government.

We’re passionate believers in the potential of the UK to lead the digital media and marketing industries. Our CEO, Danny Meadows-Klue, has worked as a specialist advisor to ministers in all three of the UK’s main political parties to strengthen policies and regulations to create a stronger economy and digital society. By supporting lawmakers, we help them create the right frameworks for growth that unlocked the UK’s entrepreneurship and talent.

All Party Parliamentary Group
Our work to support the growth of the UK’s creative industries includes active engagement with - and recognition from - various All Party Parliamentary Groups in the UK government. Our CEO endeavours to make our resources available to lawmakers when needed so they can create more effective digital regulation that balances the needs of business with privacy and consumer rights.

Ethiopian government
Strong digital access is key for transforming literacy, health, farming and economic growth in the Horn of Africa. To ensure access to the latest healthcare thinking and tools of the digital economy, our CEO , Danny Meadows-Klue, gave advice to the Minister for Telecommunications in Ethiopia as part of one of our grants in Digital Strategy Consulting’s Social Responsibility programme.