Customer loyalty trends: Digital channels key to shoppers clicking with brands

Jun 14, 2019 | Ads, Content marketing

Digital differentiators such as accessible websites, personalised offers and fast, interchangeable delivery times, are becoming crucial to success as British brands continue to compete for customer loyalty, according to new research.

The findings, from Criteo’s latest Customer Brand Loyalty Survey, indicate that ecommerce annoyances such as cumbersome return/refund policies (21%), long delivery times (17%) and bad websites (12%) are making a sizable dent in some shopper’s loyalties.

The survey also revealed that 64% of UK shoppers are actively looking to try new brands, in light of this it’s vital that retailers not only address existing issues to maintain loyalty, but also to turn first timers in to long-term customers. When it comes to brand discovery, websites were still the most popular channel (48%) ahead of social media, blogs and influencers.

Key findings of the survey include:

  • Value for money (47%) and poor customer service (37%) are the most common reasons customers abandon a brand
  • Over a fifth (21%) of shoppers would leave a brand because of a poor return or refund policy
  • FMCG shoppers have spent the most time loyal to their grocery brand (41% for more than eight years), but are also more open to trying a new brand than in any other industry (73%)
  • 41% of shoppers say brand values play a role in purchasing decisions, but only a quarter list it as a reason they stick with brands while as little as 12% list it as a reason to leave a brand

Digital differentiators such as accessible websites, personalised offers and fast, interchangeable delivery times, are becoming crucial to success as British brands continue to compete for customers who come back time and time again.

The UK Customer Brand Loyalty Survey identifies value for money (47%) and poor customer service (37%) as the most common reasons customers abandon a brand while ecommerce annoyances such as cumbersome return/refund policies (21%), long delivery times (17%) and bad websites (12%) are making a sizable dent in some shopper’s loyalties.

With the report revealing that 64% of UK shoppers actively looking to try new brands, it’s vital that retailers not only address these issues to maintain existing loyalty, but also turn first timers in to long-term customers.

Slick websites (50%) and personalised offers (49%) are by far the most effective means of keeping new shoppers coming back after the first purchase.

“Value for money will always be king for consumers, but in such a competitive market and with price points already pushed, brands need to look for any edge to nurture customer loyalty.” said John Gillan, Managing Director, Northern Europe, Criteo. “With more people browsing and buying online every day, ecommerce channels represent a huge opportunity for brands looking to create a loyal shopper-base. With consumer choice at an all time high, it’s these experiences that will keep people coming back and attracting new news ones.”

Other key findings include:

  • Straightforward returns are a must – over a fifth (21%) of shoppers would leave a brand because of a poor return or refund policy
  • Websites are still the best digital channel – when it comes to brand discovery, websites were still the most popular channel (48%) ahead of social media, blogs and influencers
  • FMCG is the trickiest market – shoppers have spent the most time loyal to their grocery brand (41% for more than eight years), but are also more open to trying a new brand than in any other industry (73%)
  • Values aren’t everything – forty one percent of shoppers say brand values play a role in purchasing decisions, but only a quarter list it as a reason they stick with brands while as little as 12% list it as a reason to leave a brand

UK Customer Brand Loyalty report methodology

The report is based off research conducted with 1,020 nationally representative UK respondents on 18th April 2019.

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