Content is currently available on NBCNews.com/now, in the NBC News mobile app, and on NBC News apps on Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV.
NBC News NOW provides a new kind of news product for a rising generation of news consumers. The service will offer well-informed original news content and deeply journalistic reporting from across NBC News and from additional NBCU partners. Content includes hourly live updates called Briefly’s, breaking news reporting, in-depth features, interviews with political and influential figures and behind-the scenes looks at some of the most important stories from around the world.
“There’s nothing more important to the future of NBC News than bringing our content to new audiences, and NBC News NOW is an important piece of that strategy” said Noah Oppenheim, president of NBC News.
NBC News NOW is the newest addition to the network’s current digital offerings, including NBC Stay Tuned, original podcasts and audio showcasts, and the original web platforms of TODAY.com, NBCNews.com and MSNBC.com.
The product is free to access and is ad-supported. Citi is a sponsor of NBC News NOW.
The team is made up of a dedicated staff of producers, writers, editors, reporters and graphics teams and is hosted by various NBC News reporters and correspondents. based around the world. NBC News NOW is produced out of 30 Rock in NYC and is additionally powered by the network’s global newsgathering operation.
To access, download the NBC News app on your mobile device or OTT service and select NBC News NOW or visit NBCNews.com/now.