Case study: How PepsiCo India used Facebook Reach Block to get 19 million video ad views

Aug 11, 2012 | Online video

Ahead of the Cricket World Cup 2011, PepsiCo India used Facebook’s video ad formats to closely engage with target audiences. The campaign’s main objectives were to create buzz, get the cricket-centric TV spots closer to consumers, create deeper level of engagement for the brand and drive traffic to an application created for the World Cup. […]

Ahead of the Cricket World Cup 2011, PepsiCo India used Facebook’s video ad formats to closely engage with target audiences. The campaign’s main objectives were to create buzz, get the cricket-centric TV spots closer to consumers, create deeper level of engagement for the brand and drive traffic to an application created for the World Cup.
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Brand: PepsiCo India | Media: groupm | Country: India |Sector: Beverages | Agency: Komli | Format: Facebook Reach Block

This case study shows how Facebook video ads Pepsi amplified the effect of the TV ads, allowing consumers to share and engage with it online.
The campaign used a Facebook Reach Block featuring Facebook Premium Video Ads for a period of 24 hours. The first ad featured a video plus poll engagement format that incorporated a TV commercial, the second was a premium video like ad that encouraged people to watch another Pepsi TV spot, the third drove people to ‘The Biggest Wave’ – application on Pepsi’s microsite, where users could create an avatar of themselves, the avatar could also share with their friends.
The brand achieved high engagement with 53,000 people responding to its poll in the 24 hour period. The Reach block ads were viewed more than 19 million times, 145 % more than the estimates. During the campaign nearly 16,000 people connected to the Facebook page. The page now has more than 1 million fans.
“Experiment with all the options available to see what works best for your communication. Look at fan engagement and sustenance rather than adding numbers to the pages.” – PepesiCo India
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