Europe’s largest media network, RTL, this week launched its latest annual Total Video Key Facts – the key television yearbook and interactive database reference on global TV trends.
Other key insights:
• Globally ‘linear’ (real time) TV consumption rates are stable, with around 3 hrs of daily viewing worldwide, ranging from 4 hrs 14 mins (North America) to 3 hrs 54 mins in Europe (UK: 3 hrs 32 mins in UK), dropping to 2 hrs 29 mins in Asia
• Net digital ad spend in Europe shot up 2% overall to €37bn in 2016. But the biggest growth was online, up 21% higher and now a €3bn in its own right
• Mobile is the key platform for online visual content consumption across Europe, with total time spent watching such content daily one hour and four minutes in 2016 – 51 minutes more than in 2012
TVl Key Facts also details programming trends and challenges for brands in terms of audience measurement (esp. multi-screen measurement, digital ad fraud) and brand safety.
It also has guidance for the sector on the impact of data protection (GDPR) and ePrivacy for advertisers, the sector’s progress toward Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) and the next frontier – how Augmented and Virtual Reality is starting to come on to the radar of both content creators and broadcasters alike.
The research is available to download here
The Keys to Total Video
RTL AdConnect publishes the 24th edition of its Total Video Key Facts. The survey is a media watch on upcoming trends in the sector, providing facts, figures, insights and solutions on Total Video.
This research gives keys to navigate the complex media environment, focusing on the latest global status concerning audience, measurement, ad tech, ROI, ad fraud or brand safety.
The key findings of the research report are republished in full below:
Audience Trends. Total Video: the winning set.
Linear TV is still on top with 4h07 daily viewing time among the European Adults (+39 min in 20 years). Worldwide, linear TV consumption is stable with 3h00 daily viewing time in average vs all individuals while TV‘s daily reach is far above all other media and is even increasing. In most European countries, it ranges between 70% and 80%.
While live TV viewing time is stable, ATAWAD consumption has never been this high thanks to mobile, which keeps driving digital video consumption. EU Penetration of new technologies, high-speed broadband and mobile devices is increasing rapidly, impacting greatly the media ecosystem and introducing new consumption behaviour. As a result, total time spent watching online video reaches 39 minutes worldwide. In 2017, we counted 900M 4G-enabled smartphones, boosting the online video consumption.
Video is number 1 invested media in Europe with double-digit growth of online video, and a net European ad spend reaching 37Bn (among which 34Bn coming from TV).
Favourite programme genres differ in Europe but the three top categories are: news, sports and local series. 2016 was a big sports year in Europe with JO and Euro 2016.
On the content production side, four trends emerge: proximity and authencity through historical series and documentaries, remember what’s meaningful gathering with family and loved ones, develop ones imagination playing with space and time, call for adventure with challenging reality programmes.
Insight Trends. Audience challenges.
The top quality issues resulting from our ever-complex media ecosystem are clearly viewability, ad fraud and brand safety challenging broadcasters to invest and develop safety guarantee tools.
Moreover, measuring online audience of TV content has never been more crucial for TV broadcasters. While in most countries TV audience measurement already includes online views on broadcaster VOD platforms, it does not include mobile devices, which currently see the biggest increases in online video usage. Today the challenge is to get comparable audience figures between the screens. 4-screen TV audience measurement became accessible to the market in 2016 in several countries (e.g.: the Netherlands and France) and several more have it in the cards for 2017 or 2018, starting with Denmark (January 2017), the US, Sweden and Singapore.
Solutions Trends. The best of innovations.
The new edition of the Total Video Key Facts looks into the future of Total Video: the connected and immersive experiences. They will become reality soon, in our everyday lives.
Whether it’s the connected and addressable television set (40% of all households are already receiving addressable TV ads in Germany), the ability to better measure the cross screen impact of TV, the way advertisers immerse with Total Video content, or finally Augmented and Virtual Reality.
Beyond technology, innovation can also be found by looking at the true core of Total Video: the content. We see more and more innovations from advertisers trying to really immerse with content brands and use them not only on television but also at the POS and online.
Source: audience and reach figures coming from Eurodata TV Worldwide