The comments came as Kate Burnett, MD at DMA Talent, gave evidence to the House of Lords Communications Committee as part of its ongoing enquiry into the advertising industry. The Committee’s aim is to examine the future of the UK advertising industry, and to investigate how particular policies and practices might help the industry to maintain its position as a world-leading.
“In the UK, we need to retain talent in what is now a global industry in order to remain a leader in the creative industries. But we have to invest in young people in this country as well. We must do both. There has to be a way we can integrate the skills we need into the syllabuses of our schools and universities.”
Burnett discussed how a great deal more could be done to improve the current system of education and training for the creative industries. Highlighting a lack of industry experience and awareness in some universities, which can mean course tutors are not aware of the latest industry developments and that students are not aware of potential careers in the marketing sector.
“Careers in marketing encompass a range of different roles from data science, customer service, data analytics, copywriters or artists. This range of jobs is a source of strength for the creative industries in the UK.”
Careers information about data and marketing can also be enhanced. DMA Talent will be working with the Careers and Enterprise Company – a government initiative that aims to provide a one-stop shop for employers, schools, colleges, funders and providers – to provide high impact careers and enterprise support to young people across England.
Together they will develop a sector approach to careers in schools, further and higher education that develops experience and understanding of the workplace open to young talent in the creative industries.
Encounters with the world of work are particularly impactful. This is supported by research undertaken by the Education and Employer’s Taskforce, which found young people that have four or more encounters with the world of work are 86% less likely to become “not in education, employment or training” and will earn on average 18% more than those that don’t.
When asked about the skills and training the creative industries need to continue to be a global leader, Burnett explained how there is a fine line between education and training as they work closely together.
She went on to highlight how both businesses and Universities are responsible for ensuring the next generation of talent is coming into the industry. Calling for further research into the future skills required across the marketing and advertising sector to provide evidence for what changes could be made to curriculums or gaps that need to be filled.
Finally, Burnett called on the Committee and Government to support and help expand current programmes to encourage talent in the UK’s data-driven creative industries in particular, such as the Creative Data Academy that the DMA Talent is expanding across the UK. In addition, Burnett believes industry should be more involved in influencing the curriculum at both Universities and even schools, to ensure the data and analytics talent needed is coming through.