Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, but his massive fortune extends well beyond Amazon. This new infographic looks at how the entrepreneur has chosen to invest his wealth.
After investing $1 million in Google back in 1998, now at the age of 54, he’s worth over $150 million. But has the richest man in the world put his wealth to good use?
RS Components has analysed Bezos’ billions and find out what his biggest personal investments have been.
Key findings:
- The industry Bezos has invested in the most is the tech industry, with a total of 11 investments.
- His biggest investment in the tech industry is in a company called Domo, a computer software company, which specialises in business intelligence tools and data visualisation, where he invested $60 millio
- The biggest investment Bezos has ever made was $200 million in EVERFI, a company which is set to revolutionise the way education is developed and delivered.
- Bezos made his second biggest personal investment in 2008 in a company called Zocdoc, a service for finding doctors and making appointments online.
- Other notable personal investment include Airbnb, which is transforming the hotel business, at $112 million, and Uber, the taxi app which holds a similar ‘take over the world’ attitude as Amazon, at $37 million.
With a whole range of investments from education to hospitality, it is clear that Bezos represents an exploration of many different business sectors and industries. As well as all his personal investments, Bezos is also the founder of Blue Origin, an aerospace company that is competing with SpaceX in mankind’s final frontier.
As Bezos expends his empire, he just keeps getting richer, but what will he invest in next?
You can also view the graphic here.