Over two-thirds (70%) of brand pages on Facebook post less than one update per month, with company pages among the least social, according to new research. The study, from Recommend.ly, looked at 5.7 million pages and examined a few different factors, particularly which categories are most and least active.
Here’s the top five least active:
• Community pages – 79.3 percent
• Company pages – 73.5 percent
• Public figures – 72.6 percent
• Actor/Director pages – 67.2 percent
• Local business pages – 60.6 percent
The most active Facebook brand pages are restaurant or cafes at 39.4 percent inactive and spas at 31.1 percent. Nearly 50 percent, 44.5 and 48.7 percent respectively, post between six and 99 updates per month.
Compared to other categories, politicians are the closest with 30.4 percent being very active, followed by musicians/bands at 28.5 percent.
A massive 85.3 percent of Facebook brand pages ignore comments or posts on their wall.
Recommend.ly also examined engagement rates in March and again in October. Since March 2012 total engagement on brand pages has dropped by 8.5 percent.
Engagement on community pages has dropped significantly from around 1.4 percent to 0.3 percent. Local businesses experienced the least decline in engagement, closely followed by politicians and restaurants/cafes.
“With the introduction of Timeline view, Facebook aimed to make Pages more popular with both businesses and fans. However, due to high levels of inactivity from Page owners and also falling engagement from fans, businesses are still not able to use Pages effectively,” concludes Krishna Neelamraju on the Recommend.ly blog. “With visual content giving much higher engagement than before, businesses need to change their content strategies to be able to fully utilize the opportunity to access a social network with over one billion active users.”
Read the full report here