Which brand won Wimbeledon? Robinson’s gets biggest engagement boost

Jul 20, 2017 | CPG, FMCG digital marketing food and beverages, Online advertising

Wimbledon is over, but the impact of brand sponsorships is ongoing, with new stats showing the social media impact the renowned sporting event has on brands. 4C insights, have analysed engagement and sentiment towards the sponsors of Wimbledon on social media, and have been able to create a league table to demonstrate the brands which benefitted […]

Wimbledon is over, but the impact of brand sponsorships is ongoing, with new stats showing the social media impact the renowned sporting event has on brands.

4C insights, have analysed engagement and sentiment towards the sponsors of Wimbledon on social media, and have been able to create a league table to demonstrate the brands which benefitted most, in terms of social media engagement, from sponsoring the event.
The table highlights there is a big difference between brands and engagement on social media.

To explain the methodology: 4C insights, the a data science and media technology company, measured:

  • Average of social engagement and sentiment for each of the below sponsors of Wimbledon before the event started (16th June – 2nd July 2017)
  • Average of social engagement and sentiment for each of the below sponsors of Wimbledon during the event (3rd – 16th July 2017)

4C then calculated the engagement and sentiment % increase/decrease from before/during event to show the impact of their sponsorship on social.
To explain what we mean by engagement: Social media engagements include mentions, retweets, comments, and post likes from brand Facebook pages and Twitter handles, as well as related keywords and hashtags
To explain what we mean by sentiment: Sentiment is a percent of engagem

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