Car safety ad “Meet Graham” wins top digital prize at Cannes

Jun 23, 2017 | Online advertising, Online video

Car safety ad “Meet Graham” was one of three campaigns to pick up the top Cyber Grand Prix at this year’s Cannes Lions festival. The ad featured a grotesque depiction of how a human body would need to be formed in order to best withstand a car accident. It was created out of Clemenger BBDO […]

Car safety ad “Meet Graham” was one of three campaigns to pick up the top Cyber Grand Prix at this year’s Cannes Lions festival.

The ad featured a grotesque depiction of how a human body would need to be formed in order to best withstand a car accident.
It was created out of Clemenger BBDO Melbourne for the Transport Accident Commission Victoria.
This is the campaign’s second Grand Prix of the week,after it earned the first top Lion of the festival in Health and Wellness.
The ‘Graham’ sculpture was an unusual way of warning people of the damage they can do to themselves in a car accident — it redesigned the human body to make it more conducive to withstanding effects of a crash.
The agency commissioned a sculptor, Patricia Piccinini, together with a trauma surgeon and a car crash investigator, to create “Graham,” a sculpture that’s meant to represent what a human body would look like if it was designed to withstand a car crash. His features include a flat, flabby face, tough skin, a barrel-like chest and a torso like an airbag.
Australians could see the artwork in the flesh at Victoria’s State Library through Aug. 8 of last year. Those outside of Australia can also explore the grotesque “Graham” in 360 degrees at the campaign website, where you can find out exactly what kind of injuries a car accident would inflict on a normal body.

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