Now available on the international Huawei Cloud website, the service helps global enterprises and developers create, deploy, and manage blockchain applications. Its global launch lays the foundations for a distributed global blockchain platform.
Blockchain features decentralization, tamper resistance, and traceability, and builds trust between transaction participants. As such, blockchain generates value when used in enterprise applications in specific industry scenarios. Enterprises in various industries are currently exploring the applications of blockchain, but deploying a blockchain on a cloud is no mean feat. Indeed, developers need to have a thorough understanding of blockchain technologies. Deployment is also time-consuming.
In 2016, Huawei joined Hyperledger, an open source project in the blockchain field, hosted by the Linux Foundation. For its continuous technical and code contributions in two sub-projects, Fabric and STL, Huawei has been recognized as a key Hyperledger maintainer. Huawei is also the only maintainer from Asia in these sub-projects.
BCS is a cloud service that capitalizes on the advantages of HUAWEI CLOUD’s container and security technologies, among others. It is easy to use, efficient, and universally applicable, and can be used in data applications, the Internet of Things (IoT), finance, and other fields. The scenarios it can be used in cover data transactions, identity authentication, proof of information (such as real estate and education), remote healthcare, food source tracing, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and IoT device management. It offers substantial assistance for establishing a technological ecosystem and digitally transforming industries.