IAB Europe has released the draft technical specifications for its GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework (“Framework”) for public comment.
First announced in November 2017, the Framework is a cross-industry effort to help publishers, technology vendors, agencies and advertisers meet the transparency and user choice requirements (including consent where necessary) of the GDPR before the regulation comes into effect on May 25 this year. The Framework is a non-commercial, open source initiative. The final version is scheduled for release mid-April, after continued consultation with publishers, advertisers, and other important industry participants.
The GDPR covers a broader scope of “personal data” than the existing EU Data Protection Directive, and companies are expecting to be more constrained in how they can access and process such data for advertising purposes. The Framework is available to companies based in Europe and around the world, and is designed to support various channels and formats, including mobile and desktop environments.
The Framework includes technical specifications that will allow companies and consumers to have greater control over, and dynamic insight into, the parties who access and process the personal data of consumers in the EU. The technical specifications will be maintained by an IAB Tech Lab working group going forward, through a collaboration between IAB Europe and IAB Tech Lab that leverages IAB Europe’s policy and legal expertise and IAB Tech Lab’s technical expertise.
IAB Europe has published the draft specifications for public comment and is working to closely collaborate with key industry stakeholders including publishers, advertisers, agencies, and their important trade organisations. Organisations wishing to meet with stakeholders involved in the framework and provide feedback may do so until April 8, 2018.
Vital information for data protection leads within companies
Data protection officers, IT leaders and other interested individuals within publishers, brands, agencies and technology vendors responsible for their organisation’s GDPR compliance can access the specifications here.
For more information and updates on the proposed solution and its supporters, please visit the dedicated website at www.advertisingconsent.eu.