TikTok commissioned a new piece of research which sheds light on the most popular mindsets within its European community.
The TikTok Audience Understanding Research conducted by Clear M&C Saatchi, the growth consulting arm of the M&C Saatchi Group, surveyed 4,000 respondents across the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. It looked at why people engage with certain platforms and, by doing this, identified the different mindsets people have when using different platforms.
This research highlighted that marketers need to rethink their strategies. No longer should they be targeting their audience based on generations but instead focusing on their users’ mindset. Through this new approach, marketers can maximise their effectiveness by focusing on what their audience is open to and interested in.
The study was carried out by Clear M&C Saatchi, with key findings including:
• Mindset over age: findings show that categorising TikTok audience by intent tends to be far more effective than traditional demographic segmentation. The research identifies four mindsets that set the platform apart from others: Entertain, Participate, Uplift and Discover.
• Entertainment-first: Two thirds of people using TikTok do it to be entertained, enforcing the need for marketing strategies that focus on content first and foremost.
• Call to action matters: Participating and showing up is hugely important for those on TikTok and majority of people in that mindset respond positively to branded content – explaining the success of recent creative campaigns by Revolution, Sage and ASOS.
The majority of the TikTok community fell into a combination of four core mindsets which differentiated the platform to competitors: ‘Entertain me’, ‘Participate’, ‘Uplift’ and ‘Discover’. Each mindset category brought with it a different state of mind and therefore big implications for the marketing industry.
‘Entertain me’ is the most popular reason to visit TikTok. A huge 75% of people using TikTok come to the app to be entertained. People with this mindset want to laugh, smile, have their spirits lifted, and not take things too seriously.
Similarly, people with an ‘Uplift’ mindset want to switch off for a moment and not have to think about ‘real life’. They want happy, relaxing, satisfying content, not news, messages or updates about other people.
People in the ‘Discover’ mindset want a little distraction to break up the day – they have an enthusiasm for stumbling upon something new or interesting.
Meanwhile people with a ‘Participate’ mindset want to share with others and participate in a community. In short, they’re positive and open-minded. Research shows that 83% of people with this mindset are likely to respond to branded content on TikTok, compared to 59% on average.
This research also highlighted how TikTok is among the top two platforms for positive emotions. 60% of people reported feeling positive and playful while on TikTok, and happier after using it.
Ultimately, this research shows that defining a target based around mindset rather than a demographic, and understanding what the user is truly looking for, will lead to a deeper understanding and more meaningful interaction with customers.
Stuart Flint, Head of Europe, Global Business Solutions at TikTok said: “For a long time, marketers have been obsessed with demographics. As an industry, we’ve long seen someone’s birth year as their defining characteristic. But in reality, we are really just ascribing to them all sorts of traits and behaviours that could apply to anyone. At TikTok, we believe mindset matters more than age. With our inclusive mission to inspire creativity and bring joy, TikTok holds multi-generational appeal for audiences throughout Europe.”
“Our research set out to identify the different mindsets that exist when people use platforms, including TikTok. It shows that there are clear and very different mindsets, each of these with their own unique characteristics. These mindsets represent an opportunity for advertisers and marketers to change the way they engage with people and build different associations with their brands. The research shows that TikTok is a place for entertainment and that people who use TikTok are more open to advertising than users of other platforms. This means it is the perfect platform for marketers looking to reach their audiences in authentic, creative and engaging ways.”