The platform instantly converts creatives into any ad format, which means that regular ad creatives become non-intrusive ad messages on mobile devices.
The purchasing process for advertisers and their trading desks is carried out via private marketplaces within the VIS.X platform with no need for further adjustments. VIS.X transforms and delivers existing advertising formats in real time.
By integrating hundreds of publishers with access to this high performance platform, VIS.X enables trading desks to benefit from real-time scalability and international, brand-safe premium inventory for their media purchases.
Dirk Kraus, founder and CEO of YOC: “ There’s a strong demand in the market for highly effective advertising formats that can be purchased programmatically. Our platform VIS.X meets this challenge. This gives us a sustainable competitive advantage in the highly complex programmatic media trading business.”
Oliver Gold, YOC’s UK Managing Director, added: “VIS.X integrates with all DSPs easily. This is something that has been lacking in this market and it will give our users complete control over ad creation and trading. Programmatic advertising is evolving and our new proprietary platform will ensure that YOC remains at the forefront simplifying workflow and driving efficiency for our customers.
The media agency Omnicom and its trading desk Accuen were the first to use VIS.X for an advertising client in Germany – the automotive manufacturer Nissan. Within the platform, Nissan chose the YOC Understitial Ad as an advertising product to run a programmatic campaign for the current Nissan Micra model. Alex Kraft, Managing Partner Programmatic, Omnicom Media Group: “VIS.X enabled us to effectively manage high-impact formats on smartphones for our client Nissan. Thus, we were able to integrate them into our holistic programmatic strategy.”
Philipp Müller, Brand Strategy and National Marcoms Manager Marketing NISSAN CENTER EUROPE adds: “Mobile is playing an increasingly important role for Nissan in strategic digital campaigns and with platforms such as VIS. X, another exciting offer is now available.”