Online ads: ‘Creepy and a bunch of B.S.’ say US consumers (infographic)

Oct 25, 2012 | Online advertising

How do consumers view digital marketing? This poll of US consumers conducted by Adobe reveals that online ads still have some way to go to earn people’s attention ahead of TV and print ads. Adobe polled 1,250 US consumers and marketers’ views on online advertising. The survey reveals that almost half of the respondents agree […]

How do consumers view digital marketing? This poll of US consumers conducted by Adobe reveals that online ads still have some way to go to earn people’s attention ahead of TV and print ads. Adobe polled 1,250 US consumers and marketers’ views on online advertising. The survey reveals that almost half of the respondents agree ‘online advertising is creepy and stalks you’, and more than half agree that ‘most marketing is a bunch of B.S.’.

The poll indicates that consumers pay less attention to online ads than nearly all other media distractions, with in-app/in-game ads faring the worst.
A summary of key findings in the report is listed below:
 Print magazines and while watching a favorite TV show are the two most preferred places to look at an ad
 Majority of respondents use social media; over half have liked on behalf of their favorite brands, but also wish there was a dislike button for social media
 68% of consumers find online ads “annoying” and “distracting” and 54% say online banner ads don’t work
 “Likes” get attention encourage consumers to “check out” a product, but doesn’t translate to sales
 44% of consumers feel advertising works better on women than men
 Consumers and marketing professionals agree that marketing is valued, strategic to business and paramount to driving sales
 Professional advertising is the most effective form of advertising, 27% of marketers believe that user-generated content is the most popular form of online advertising
 Advertising/Marketing professionals considered in the bottom professions among consumers – along with actors and dancers; not highly regarded by marketing professionals either
 Most marketing is a bunch of B.S., 53% agree
Key charts from the Adobe report are listed below. To read the full report, click here.
Source: Adobe

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