The latest research report by GlobalWebIndex takes a deep dive into the world of ‘Affluent Consumers’ and surveyed 17,126 affluent consumers, aged 16-64 across 40 countries.
Key findings from the survey:
- 24% owning two properties and 34% owning two cars. Twice as likely to own luxury branded car (e.g. Audi or a Mercedes-Benz)
- 3 in 4 of them say that they exercise regularly
- 17% of them take regular vacations abroad, and 19% take regular business trips overseas
- Over-index for premium carriers like Etihad, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, and Virgin Atlantic
- 64% fit the Privacy Conscious profile
- 99% have visited a social network in the past month, spending on average almost 2 hours 30 minutes per day on it!
- 29% more likely to promote a brand to enhance their status
Affluent consumers report holding more wealth and assets than the typical internet user, with 24% owning two properties and 34% owning two cars. Luxury brands perform well in car ownership, as affluent consumers are over twice as likely to own an Audi or a Mercedes-Benz. This is a group keen to keep fit, as 3 in 4 of them say that they exercise regularly.
High rates of affluent consumers in Asia Pacific skew the overall figures for age, as the internet population tends to be relatively affluent and young. By contrast, in North America, 45-54s form the largest age group among the Affluent (26%), while in Europe it’s the 35-44s (24%).
Affluent consumers and travel
As seasonal marketing dictates, the start of the year is a huge moment for travel brands. For affluent consumers, travel is pivotal both for business and pleasure. 17% of them take regular vacations abroad, and 19% take regular business trips overseas.
Frequent travel is consistent worldwide, they are more than twice as likely to regularly travel abroad for work or holidays, with Middle East/Africa and North America four times more likely to do so than the average.
While band discovery through search engines remains strong with 42% of Affluent Consumers finding out about brands this way, affluent consumers over-index for premium carriers like Etihad, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, and Virgin Atlantic.
The privacy value exchange
Attitudinal data reveals that 64% of affluent consumers fit the Privacy Conscious profile (defined in our segmentation as internet users who value privacy and worry about loss of personal data) – and this is borne out by their use of online privacy measures.
However, when it comes to social, 99% have visited a social network in the past month, spending on average almost 2 hours 30 minutes per day on it. 71% of Affluent Consumers reported using a music streaming service on any device in the past month, meaning that, despite their higher income and privacy concerns, they are not opposed to account sharing and accessing music through freemium payment models.
Two-thirds have visited a brand’s website in the past month, and over a quarter have visited a social network page. Once there, affluent consumers are 29% more likely to promote a brand to enhance their online status. Engaging with brands is central to how and why this audience uses the internet, and building a powerful brand presence is crucial to reaching them.
Jason Mander, Chief Research Officer at GlobalWebIndex, comments, “With this hyper-connected lifestyles and assertive nature, providing ideas for a new product/service and interacting on a messaging service are examples in practice of how this group likes to feel like active participants in their relationship with brands. Affluent Consumers want to be more than just consumers; they like to have a direct say in the products that are made for them and advertised to them.”