Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye.
Google+ authorship photos removed ‘to boost ad clicks’- report
Last month, Google made the controversial decision to remove Google+ author photos from search results. Now, new research suggest that the move has substantially boosted clicks on AdWords ads as users are less inclined to click on organic ads without photos.
Smoking Gun Found – Proof that Ad CTR Benefits from Google Authorship Photo Removal [DATA]
— Larry Kim (@larrykim) July 10, 2014
Consumers only have 5 ‘best friend brands’
Consumers only actually have five ‘Best Friend Brand’ companies, from which we’ll repeatedly open emails and buy products from.
Programmatic ads grow up: Spend moves ‘beyond display’
Programmatic advertising is growing and real-time bidding is now being used far beyond traditional display advertising, according to new global research.
Marketers expect digital to make up ‘75% of budgets in next five years’
Most senior marketers expect digital to dominate their budgets within the next five years, but most fear they will not be prepared for the impact this will have on the industry and their roles, according to new research.
10-steps to build and market a successful app [Infographic]
Apps are big business now- acting as a powerful self-contained new channel to reach customers on the move within a branded environment. This infographic from Dot Com Infoway details the nitty-gritty of app development and marketing that app creators will need to look into to be successful in their efforts.
Dot Com Infoway – Mobile Apps Marketing Agency
Heineken ditches branding for ‘credible’ social media campaign
Heineken has created a new social tool on Twitter as the next phase of its global ‘Cities of The World’ campaign, which has seen the beer and cider brewer omit its own brand name to provide ‘more credibility’.
Watch this recent promo video for Heineken’s cites campaign here:
Tumblr case study: Samsung Tumblr blog pushes Galaxy camera content to other social networks
Samsung wanted to create a destination that could show off its GALAXY Camera and generate buzz among photographers and tech fans on four major social networks. This case study looks at how the electronics giant used Tumblr’s API as a central hub to push images to Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, getting a 70% increase in earned impressions.
Instagram case study: Ben and Jerry’s Anchorman ice cream gets social boost
Over an eight-day period in November, Ben and Jerry’s posted four sponsored images on Instagram featuring its ice cream in a carton, in a cone and even as a vision in the clouds. Ads were targeted to users age 18–35 in the U.S. This case study looks at how the Unilever brand become once of first advertisers on Instagrams new ad platform, boosting its brand awareness 17% in the process.