Interested in this, Uswitch.com conducted a survey among 4,380 frequent online shoppers to discover the reality of online shopping in 2021.
Key findings:
- A whopping 60% say the weirdest place they have made an online purchase is on the toilet
- Shoppers admit that TikTok influences their online shopping more than Instagram
- Almost 7 in 10 go out of their way to shop from small businesses
- On average, we spend a whooping £102 on impulse purchases each month
The impact of online trends
Uswitch discovered that 61% of people base their purchases on current trends, with TikTok providing the most inspiration. After asking respondents which platform is their go-to for finding shopping trends, 41% said TikTok is their first port of call. Instagram places second (27%), followed by Pinterest (18%).
It seems that TikTokers also take the lead for innovation, as 37% take inspiration from TikTok influencers with just 25% preferring Instagram’s influencers. Interestingly, only 11% use their friends to find new shopping trends and just 6% choose musicians.
Alongside social media influencers come #ads and sponsored posts. They’re often hard to miss and sometimes muster complaints from followers, but they do seem to work as 55% admit that sponsored posts encourage them to make a purchase.
Followers are frequently bombarded with images of luxuries that are out of their budget; Uswitch found that sports cars, jewellery, holidays, a yacht and designer handbags are the five items people would buy if money were no obstacle.
How do we like to shop?
It can be revealed that a whopping 60% state the toilet is the weirdest place they have made an online purchase! Interestingly, ‘whilst masturbating’ was selected by 16% of participants and ‘whilst having sex’ was chosen by 2%.
After asking where shoppers most frequently complete online transactions, Uswitch.com found that the bed is the most popular place to make a purchase (57%). Although more interestingly, and placing in second, a whopping 41% say most of their online shopping is done whilst working from home! Following in third is the lounge, with 39% making their purchases here most frequently.
Apparently, people like to shop in secret too. 65% admit to hiding a purchase from others, with the most popular reason being that they had ‘purchased too much already’. Of those who have hidden a purchase in the past, 78% kept it a secret from their partner, 56% kept it from their parent, and 31% kept it from their siblings.
Online spending habits
Uswitch asked shoppers if they often regret their spending habits by the end of the month and almost 4 in 5 (79%) said yes. Following on from this, most shoppers (63%) make the majority of their purchases between the 1st and 5th days of the month, with the 11th to the 15th being the second most common (17%).
Participants report that lockdown has increased their online spending; 36% said it has increased their spending ‘a great deal’, 28% said ‘a lot’, 18% said ‘a little’ and 9% said that lockdown has not increased their spending at all.
Of those who state lockdown has increased their monthly spending, it was found that the average Brit has spent £169 more than usual each month. With unplanned impulse buys costing £102 per month, on average.
Uswitch.com surveyed 4,380 people who frequently shop online throughout March 2021, asking a series of questions relating to the topic.
Source: Uswitch