As Facebook enters the spotlight for its accountability in the Cambridge Analytica data breach affecting 50 million Facebook users, is the UK ready to “Unfriend” Facebook once and for all?
Data from Hitwise, the UK’s largest online behavioural insights provider monitoring 3 million internet users across the country, reveals search variations for “delete Facebook” have increased 423%.
Since Sunday 18th March the Hitwise data has shown:
- Search variations for “delete Facebook” have increased 423%
- “How to delete Facebook” was the 7th most popular search query out of all ‘Facebook’ related searches on the internet
- Searches for Mark Zuckerberg have increased 1,054%
- 32% increase in the UK searching for “my Facebook data”
- Searches for Cambridge Analytica have increase 356%, however in the past 24 hours, they have seen a decrease of 33% whilst Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg searches have continued to increase
Source: www.hitwise.com