Social media brands in Spain spent 180% more on advertising than in the previous year, according to a new report looking at internet marketing strategies in the region, according to a new report looking at Internet marketing strategies.
The report, from IAB spain, looks at the activity of the major brands Investing in major social networks.
The study applied qualitative values to quantitative data and measures the impact of a brand new social networking environment through model PRGS : (P- P resence, R- R esponse, G- G eneration and S- S ugerencia ).
Below are the main findings of the brands tested are listed below:
• The English Court stands as the brand that has the largest social media community among the companies analyzed, followed by Iberia and Samsung.
• The Video Game industry led by Nintendo and PlayStation having greater activity in social media, following by film firm Universal..
• Axe generates higher response among followers, with FOX and Warner Bros in second and third place respectively.
• In terms of generating content, Iberia leads the ranking, followed by Samsung and PlayStation
• At community level, brands are getting increasingly more relevant and users to maintain a high interest in the same residence
• The suggestion refers to the contents of the brand that users choose to publish on their own profiles.In this regard, it is first Xbox then Volkswagen and Universal.
Comparison by activity:
• The distribution sector had the highest number of fans in 2013.
• Sports has become the sector performs more publications in different social media as well as the first variable “suggestion”, indicating that the generated content is of great interest to users.
• The group receiving more responses from his followers is the Beauty and Hygiene.
• The followers generate more information on its own initiative or on profiles pages Telecocomunicaciones sector. As a result, brands must keep their rate of active listening and be aware proactively generate conversations.
• The brands of Finance sector are doing a great job of involvement with their communities through branded content.
• In the field of content are shared Entertainment massively, which shows that gamification is a section to consider ahead energize communities. The user game tends to socially share their achievements and to participate more actively in the dissemination of this type of content.
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