The report, Surviving the Post-social Media Apocalypse, from Wildfire Labs, forecasts that many brands to follow suit and re-evaluate their use of social channels.
There are many stats that support this (see attached infographic) including that 77% of consumers saying they don’t even want a relationship with brands on social media.
Wildfire’s Managing Director, Debby Penton, said: “There is a strong message here to brands and businesses. Instead of investing time and energy broadcasting communications on all the latest social media platforms, they need to focus their attention on channels that drive genuine value. In fact, this has always been the case. But they need to recognise that in the era of fake news and low trust consumers are reconnecting with the value of third party endorsements and truly personalised communications. Brands need to turn their attention to building a trusted reputation and genuine advocacy.”
“Demonstrating real ROI on social media has always been a challenge for brands, and perhaps JD Wetherspoon has seen this as a perfect opportunity to cut its losses, benefit from first mover advantage and taking a stand, and get back to focusing on its core customer experience.”