Top digital marketing data and case studies this week

May 8, 2014 | Facebook marketing, Social media, WhatsApp

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye. Big spenders: WhatsApp is only the fourth biggest tech purchase of the year (Infographic) Facebook raised many eyebrows when it bought WhatsApp for $19 Billion earlier this year- paying 19 time more than it id for Instagram just 2 years earlier. […]

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye.

Big spenders: WhatsApp is only the fourth biggest tech purchase of the year (Infographic)

Facebook raised many eyebrows when it bought WhatsApp for $19 Billion earlier this year- paying 19 time more than it id for Instagram just 2 years earlier. But it turns out that Facebook’s offer was only the fourth biggest acquisition bid in 2014, as demonstated by this new infographic from FinancesOnline looking at the tech sector’s big spenders…

Top Tech Company Acquisitions: Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple Hunt For Best Startups & Brilliant Minds

Source: financesonline | Author: David Adelman | Our Youtube

Most popular digital marketing techniques in 2014

This chart shows the most popular global digital marketing techniques for 2014. Interestingly, email marketing is top with 63% of those surveyed using it frequently. The chart also show that engaging with an audience through social listening and engagement is more popular than social media advertising, with 32% of marketers saying they listen and engage through social frequently and only 25% saying they use social as an advertising channel.
Most popular digital marketing techniques in 2014. This chart shows the most popular global digital marketing techniques for 2014. Interestingly, email marketing is top with 63% of those surveyed using it frequently. The chart also show that engaging with an audience through social listening and engagement is more popular than social media advertising, with 32% of marketers saying they listen and engage through social frequently and only 25% saying they use social as an advertising channel.

Digital has changed marketing team’s responsibilities

This chart shows how the growth in digital marketing has changed the the Importance of responsibilities within marketing teams globally.The highest change has come to greater revenue growth responsibility, with 53% of marketers surveyed saying that their team is more focused on this function. The data also shows that digital marketing growth generates Jobs within digital marketing with analytical roles as well as customer facing roles requiring more personnel.
Digital has changed marketing team's responsibilities. This chart shows how the growth in digital marketing has changed the the importance of responsibilities within marketing teams globally.The highest change has come to greater revenue growth responsibility, with 53% of marketers surveyed saying that their team is more focused on this functIon. The data also shows that digital marketing growth generates jobs within digital marketing with analytical roles as well as customer facing roles requiring more personnel.

Display ad clickers ‘conduct more organic searches’ (infographic)

The study, from Criteo, found that on average across all industries, 65 per cent of the consumers recruited through performance display did not click on paid search ads.

Digital to drive UK ad spend recovery: £20bn investment forecast next year

Ad spend in the UK is forecast to surpass £20bn for the first time in 2015, driven by digital, according to new figures from the Advertising Association and Warc.

Shoppers shun shop assistants for smartphones- report

An increasing number of consumers would rather pull out their smartphone or tablet inside a store than speak to a store assistant, according to a new report.

US digital audiences now a ‘multi-platform majority’

The most disruptive shift in the US digital media marketplace has been the shift from desktop to mobile platforms, according to new data from ComScore.

US social network users ‘mostly from mobile’

As desktop usage has largely remained flat over the past year for top web properties, mobile usage continues to surge, according to new research from comScore.

Spain leads US and UK for ‘multi-platform’ digital use

More than two thirds (66%) of the Total Digital Population in Spain now accesses the internet via more than one device in a month; compared to 65 percent in the U.K. and 58 percent in the U.S.

Instagram images ‘perform better than traditional stock photos’ for digital ads

Instagram photos can be more effective than traditional studio shots and stock photos for internet ads, according to new research.

Turkey digital ad spend grew 24% in 2013

The digital marketing communication industry in Turkey continued its double digital growth, with a 24% rise during 2013 hitting 1.17bn TL (£328m) in ad spend.


Subservient Chicken squawks again: Burger King revamps viral pioneer

Burger King is resurrecting its 10 year old viral marketing phenomenon ‘Subservient Chicken’- a 24 hour webcam that sees a man in a chicken suit perform any request submitted online. The video has attracted nearly 1 million views on YouTube just 7 days since going online.
Watch the promo video here:

Most boring ad ever made’ gets exciting viewing figures

Forget dancing babies, star-studded ensembles and big budget action- this 45 minute video of a Leica Camera being polished has created quite a stir on the internet for being the most tedious ad ever created.

The Most Boring Ad Ever Made? from Leica Camera on Vimeo.

Case study: Digital hub helps First Great Western to keep Dawlish train line on track

After the sea wall on the Dawlish line is badly breached, First Great Western partners with ORM to create a travel advice hub for users of the washed away railway line. This case study looks at how customers and the public were kept in the loop on progress restoring the vital and historic rail line- boosting customer support and web traffic in the process.

Content marketing case study: Paddle Pop digital webisodes boost ice cream sales by 43%

Unilever’s Indonesian ice cream brand Paddle Pop created a new kids entertainment franchise based around its mascot. This case study looks at how the cross media marketing campaign boosted sales up to 43% in some territories.

MAX/Paddle Pop 2012 from sangsara on Vimeo.

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