US mums with young kids spend longest on mobile

Jan 21, 2014 | Mobile, Online advertising, Social media, USA

This chart shows the average time spent in minutes per-month for different demographics in the US. Mothers use their smartphones 11.4% more often than the average adult. This is especially true of mothers of children aged between 0 and 5 who spend 2,260 minutes on average a month on their smartphone. Surprisingly, mothers of young […]

This chart shows the average time spent in minutes per-month for different demographics in the US. Mothers use their smartphones 11.4% more often than the average adult. This is especially true of mothers of children aged between 0 and 5 who spend 2,260 minutes on average a month on their smartphone. Surprisingly, mothers of young children spend 22% more time per month on their mobile devices than the ‘millenial’ demographic.
US mums with young kids spend longest on mobile. This chart shows the average time spent in minutes per-month for different demographics in the US. Mothers use their smartphones 11.4% more often than the average adult. This is especially true of mothers of children aged between 0 and 5 who spend 2,260 minutes on average a month on their smartphone. Surprisingly, mothers of young children spend 22% more time per month on their mobile devices than the 'millenial' demographic.

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