AI case study: AP use AI for writing simple copy at unprecedented speed

Aug 19, 2021 | Artificial intelligence

The Associated Press (AP) is one of the world's biggest content suppliers to the media industry. AP journalists and editors have to comb through thousands of news reports daily and package the raw facts into short stories that are delivered instantly to the editorial systems journalists use in newsrooms.

Speed and accuracy are the foundations of AP’s business and reputation. Could AI help? It already has…

Since 2014, AP has been automating text stories from structured data sets using an AI with natural language generation (NLG).

Work began with some of the most technically simple content – corporate earnings stories for publicly traded companies in the United States. This increased their output by a factor of 10.

They went on to apply similar technology to over a dozen categories of sports previews and game recaps. There’s still an editorial check, just more stories, faster, and with better use of their human resources.
See how AI at AP transformed content production…

For the formulaic approach needed to turn raw data into short format copy for the press services, AI is a natural fit.

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