Do video ads really have to be short? [INFOGRAPGHIC]

Jul 19, 2017 | Mobile, Online advertising, Online video

Video ads can last longer than 90 seconds, provided they are engaging, according to a new report that aims to dispel some popular video ad myths. TwentyThree, a Copenhagen and San Francisco-based video marketing platform, has put together a data report entitled ‘State of Online Video in 2017’.   Extrapolated from TwentyThree’s own customer data, it […]

Video ads can last longer than 90 seconds, provided they are engaging, according to a new report that aims to dispel some popular video ad myths.

TwentyThree, a Copenhagen and San Francisco-based video marketing platform, has put together a data report entitled ‘State of Online Video in 2017’.
Extrapolated from TwentyThree’s own customer data, it paints a picture of how organisations are using video marketing, and also dispels some commonly held myths.
The data used in TwentyThree’s State of Online Video in 2017 is taken from 300 marketing teams, 1.5m videos, 1.7bn impressions, and 650m video plays. Key findings below, and attached is the infographic.

  • Videos can last longer than 90 seconds – 80% of videos produced are under 5 minutes, but these account for less than a third of video engagement. 8% of videos produced (those over 15 minutes) drive half of all video engagement, while videos lasting over 45 minutes drive 30% of engagement.


  • On owned media, visitors are twice as likely to play video content when compared to video hosted on Facebook and four times more likely than video on Twitter


  • When people play your video, they’ll watch only 20 seconds on average on Facebook and less than a minute on YouTube. On owned media, the time spent per video view is just shy of 4 minutes (that’s 12x that of Facebook and 4x YouTube)


  • People will watch 66% of your video on your own site, but only 14% on Facebook and 23% on YouTube


  • Owned media is 12 times more effective in terms of driving engagement, while 36% of impressions convert to plays if the video is hosted on owned media


  • Video in email: 62% increase in click-through rate when there’s a video thumbnail in an email campaign


  • Engagement time is increased by 300% for live video, while 67% of the watch time occurs after the live event


  • Video conversion rates – 59% before video; 22% during video; 2% after video. 79% of live stream conversion rates occur prior to the stream


  • How long do people watch video for before they drop off?
    • Long videos – people will watch 30-35% if it’s a long video
    • Short videos – people will watch the entire video

    • Source: TwentyThree,

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