After buying Motorola in 2011, Google is set to launch its first own-brand smartphone called the Moto X. This week, a new video was leaked online outlines how the device will work, revealing always on voice commands and ‘Active Updates’.
The Moto X demo video from Canada based Rogers Wireless has appeared on a Google+ user page.
According to the video, the Moto X is apparently always listening for commands, the initiating command appears to be ‘Ok Google Now…..’ without having to load Google Now or select voice operation, after hearing this command the phone instantly responds with the information you require or performs the function you want, like providing directions or setting reminders or other Google Now functions.
The Moto X will also include a discreet notification system called ‘Active Updates’. Instead of a multi-coloured notification LED the Moto X will display notifications on the screen which you can ignore or take care of straight away.
Also included are camera improvements which include a burst mode function to take multiple shots by simply holding your finger down on the screen, and an ability to launch the camera quickly by twisting your wrist twice, no need to slide anything or select an icon.
View the video here
Source: Дима Прокопенко