In the last few years, the Government of Colombia, through the Ministry Of Communication and Technology, achieved the largest penetration of Internet in the history of the country.
Regardless of all the efforts that have been made, many people in different regions are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location.
The government worked launched My Line powered by Google. The idea with My Line is that live forever in the life and hand of every colombian that doesn’t have access to internet.
Many people in different regions in Colombia are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location.
My Line brings the power of Google Assistant to anyone with access to a standard phone line. This inclusive technology makes search in artificial intelligence available to people without a smartphone or a computer.
After placing a call to a regular local telephone number, the caller can ask to Google Assistant the question. In just a second or two, we process the question in a custom software and connect with Google Systems in the cloud. My line receives the response and speaks it back to the caller by phone.
This brought the information all those people are missing directly to their hands through MY LINE Powered By Google, a traditional telephone landline people can call no matter the moment, the place or the device. The only thing they need to do is to call 6000913 and ask whatever they want to. In seconds, we process the question and My Line speaks it back to the caller by phone.