The mobile boom is changing behaviours with consumers in Mexico, with over 80% of Mexican mothers using their smartphone to chat, according to new data.
Four in five of mother smartphone users in Mexico use their smartphones to chat, according to data from eMarketer.
The study indicates there has been a rapid increase in social media access via smart phone in Mexico from 58% in 2015 to 72% in 2016.
Video watching via smartphone remains low at 31%. This is driven by data costs which are high in the Mexican telecoms markets and WiFi not yet ubiquitous.
Smartphone Activities Conducted by Mother Smartphone Users in Mexico, 2016 (% of respondents)
Most of those surveyed use their smartphone to search for information, but mothers in Mexico are not using their smartphones to watch video: Just 31% say they do so.
Devices Used by Social Media Users in Mexico to Access Social Media, 2015 & 2016 (% of respondents)
eMarketer estimates a total of 44.2 million smartphone users in Mexico in 2016, a figure that will hit 49.9 million in 2017, at 13.8% growth. That number will reach 62.1 million by 2020. Mexico has the second-most smartphone users of any market in Latin America.