Smartphones ‘made up nearly half of Black Friday’s US traffic’

Dec 1, 2015 | E-commerce and E-retailing, Mobile, USA

Online sales on Black Friday increased 21.5% this year from 2014, according to IBM, and Adobe reports US spending was more than $2.7 billion. Smartphones outpaced tablets in buying AND browsing on #BlackFriday: #WatsonTrend — IBM Commerce (@ibmcommerce) November 28, 2015 Smartphones made up almost 45% of traffic, but those shopping on tablets […]

Online sales on Black Friday increased 21.5% this year from 2014, according to IBM, and Adobe reports US spending was more than $2.7 billion.

Smartphones made up almost 45% of traffic, but those shopping on tablets spent more on average than phone users.
Adobe reported that Americans spent more than $2.7 billion online Friday representing a 14.3% increase from last year based on Adobe’s tracking methods.
Research suggested that shoppers filled their virtual shopping carts on their smartphones and tablets more than laptop and desktop computers.
Adobe also said that online spending on Thursday and Friday totaled a record $4.47 billion.
IBM said smartphones were the device-of-choice for browsing deals and accounted for nearly 45% of total traffic. But on average, tablet shoppers spent more.
Tablet orders averaged $136, more than desktop, laptop or smartphone orders.
“US consumers have turned into digital shopping ninjas,” said Adobe’s Tamara Gaffney.

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