Ironhack has looked at a range of searches for tech-based learning to highlight how many people are looking to upskill or career change into tech roles. The results show a significant rise in searches with UI/UX the most in-demand skills.
Key findings:
- Searches for tech courses and remote learning are up by over 40% on average in the UK during lockdown
- UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) training and courses have seen the biggest shift in demand
- Ironhack and Landing.Jobs join forces to offer €300,000 in scholarships to help people transition into tech and combat unemployment
With the latest employment figures showing that 649,000 fewer people in the UK were employed in June compared with March when lockdown began, Ironhack has looked at a range of Google searches for tech-based learning to highlight how many people are looking to upskill or career change into tech roles. The results show a significant rise in searches when compared with 2019, with UI/UX the most in demand skills on the list, increasing by a huge 62% and 56% respectively:
Tech training and skills search increases (based on searches for courses and training):
1. User interface (UI): +62%
2. User experience (UX): +56%
3. Data analytics: +37%
4. Software engineer: +36%
5. Web developer: +27%
Recent data from Tech Nation highlighted that, pre-Covid-19, the tech sector was growing six times faster than the rest of the economy and predictions suggest that by 2030, 50% of the UK economy will be digital, tech and creative industries. With over 13,000 technology jobs posted on Indeed.co.uk in the past fortnight alone, many people are now looking to enter the sector with the relevant skillset as their next career move.
With the furlough scheme in the UK due to end in October, many workers currently benefiting will be worried about one of the most unstable employment scenarios in recent history as job losses continue to mount. Amidst this uncertain economic backdrop, Ironhack and Landing.Jobs scholarship programme has been devised to help people transition into a career in tech and combat unemployment with €300,000 in scholarships on offer.
The scholarships will cover full or partial tuition for Ironhack bootcamps in Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona and their remote programs. No previous experience is necessary, interested applicants simply need to fill out an online form and take a short technical test. Applications are open now and close on Tuesday 28th July.
Álvaro Rojas, Head of Remote at Ironhack commented: “Both Ironhack and Landing.Jobs have been playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of work in our communities. We have a shared belief that the tech ecosystem will provide the best employment opportunities moving forward. We have created our new scholarship programme to support career changers and those looking to upskill with the very best training available.
When you consider the current employment landscape and look at the experiences of those who have graduated with us, there really is no better time to become a web-developer, UX/UI designer or data analyst. Our scholarships are designed to enable people to change their lives and transition into a career they love.”
Ironhack and Landing.Jobs new scholarship programme focuses on roles in three distinct areas of the tech industry; UX/UI design, web development and data analytics. The courses on offer can be studied as a nine-week intensive programme or as a 24-week part-time programme.
Manuel Rocha who graduated from Ironhack’s web development bootcamp earlier this year added: “Ironhack gives you an amazing push to enter the tech world. In 9 weeks, if you are completely committed you will truly learn more than the basics to get a job and start giving value in no time. The technologies that you will learn are always the top used in the market. The learning experience has always in mind a practical view and in touch with the market reality and needs. The environment is incredibly friendly. I finished the bootcamp when the Covid-19 situation scaled and even in this situation I got my job in exactly two months.”
View the Ironhack and Landing.Jobs scholarship programme here
With all the current uncertainty around employment as the UK furlough scheme comes to an end, Ironhack has also joined forces with Landing.Jobs to offer €300,000 in scholarships to help people transition into tech and combat unemployment