Newly released data from comScore World Metrix has found that 80% of all UK internet users (29.4m people) visited at least one social networking site during May – a 9% year-on-year rise.
On average, visitors spent 4.6 hours during the month visiting social networking sites (second only to instant messaging with 8.6 hours).
25-34 year-olds are the leading social networkers, with 89% visiting such sites during the month. However, even the 55+ age-group still achieved penetration rates of 67%.
Facebook was the most visited social networking site (with 23.9m visitors), followed by Bebo (8.5m), Windows Live Profile (6.9m) and MySpace sites (6.5m). Traffic to Twitter grew over 3,000% year-on-year, reaching 2.7m visitors in May.
comScore:, 20/07/2009
Social networking audiences: UK
89% of 25-34 year olds visited a social networking site, May 2009

Top 10 social networking sites: UK
Facebook dominates, though Twitter’s growth is huge, May 2009