Email marketers missing trick with analytics

Sep 25, 2012 | Uncategorized

Many email marketers are failing to track their campaigns after they hit ‘send’, with more than 40% admitting they do not have the analytics in place to determine inbox placement rates for their campaigns, according to a new study. The Relevancy Group study, from email marketing provider Return Path, surveyed more than 300 senior marketing […]

Many email marketers are failing to track their campaigns after they hit ‘send’, with more than 40% admitting they do not have the analytics in place to determine inbox placement rates for their campaigns, according to a new study. The Relevancy Group study, from email marketing provider Return Path, surveyed more than 300 senior marketing executives.

The study also found that email marketers are not able to compare their campaigns to competitor benchmarks, with less than a quarter of email marketers analyse their competitors’ campaign performance.
“There is a huge market need for email intelligence; marketers are missing a significant lift in revenue because they don’t have the proper analysis tools and competitive insights,” said David Daniels, CEO & co-founder of The Relevancy Group. “Knowledge truly is power, and having access to analytics tools that gauge email effectiveness enables companies to build deeper relationships with subscribers and, ultimately, drive greater sales.”
The survey also found:
• Less than one-fourth of marketers (23 percent) analyse competitors’ email marketing campaign performance; although the research indicated that doing so increases overall revenue from a campaign by 25 percent or more.
• Sixty-five percent of marketers surveyed stated that access to the right data is a challenge for their organisations and nearly a third stated that they do not know how to access data when it’s time to evaluate a campaign.
• More than half of those surveyed (55 percent) are unable to perform any audience segmentation meaning that they blast the same message to every subscriber, and a third of marketers have no knowledge of their inbox placement rate.
In addition to the study, Return Path is launching a range of new products focused on preventing phishing and spoofing attacks and achieving better inbox placement.
The Email Intelligence Suite for Marketers includes Inbox Monitor, Inbox Insight and Email Brand Monitor – each of which uniquely addresses key challenges facing email marketers today seeking to drive maximum ROI from their email program.
To download the report, click here (registration required).

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