Facebook overtakes MySpace

Jun 23, 2008 | Uncategorized

Facebook has surpassed MySpace in terms of global unique users according to new data published by ComScore, writes Brand Republic. Facebook’s user base grew 162% year-on-year from 47.2m to 123.9m in May 2008. MySpace grew 5% during the same period from 109.5m to 114.6m. According to the Wall Street Journal, VISA has partnered with Facebook […]

Facebook has surpassed MySpace in terms of global unique users according to new data published by ComScore, writes Brand Republic. Facebook’s user base grew 162% year-on-year from 47.2m to 123.9m in May 2008. MySpace grew 5% during the same period from 109.5m to 114.6m.
According to the Wall Street Journal, VISA has partnered with Facebook to offer $2m of advertising to small businesses. VISA will offer $100 (£50) of targeted on-site advertising to each of the first 20,000 US-based firms which download an application to join VISA’s new business network on Facebook.
Brand Republic: http://www.brandrepublic.com, 23/06/2008
VISA Business Network: http://apps.facebook.com/visabusiness

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