New York Times abandons subscriptions

Dec 13, 2007 | Uncategorized

The New York Times has stopped charging users for content on its website, writes Netimperative. The paper launched its paid service two years ago and charged $7.95/month (£4) or $49.95/year (£20) for access to its news and columns online. Senior vice-president and general manager of the website Vivian Schiller explained the move: “Since we […]

The New York Times has stopped charging users for content on its website, writes Netimperative. The paper launched its paid service two years ago and charged $7.95/month (£4) or $49.95/year (£20) for access to its news and columns online. Senior vice-president and general manager of the website Vivian Schiller explained the move: “Since we launched TimesSelect in 2005, the online landscape has altered significantly. Readers increasingly find news through search, as well as through social networks, blogs and other online sources.” The paper has identified the “greater potential for revenue from online advertising” and some sections of the site will have sponsorship placements. Under the new strategy archives from 1851-1922 and from 1986-present will be completely free with only archive content from between 1923 and 1986 continuing to be charged for.
From Netimperative:, 13/12/2007

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