Radio facing 2% fall in revenues in US

Jan 1, 2008 | Uncategorized

Radio advertising could fall up to 2% this year as the local advertising sector slows, writes Mediaweek. Revenues could drop below $20bn for the first time since 2002 as the industry faces its eighth year of slow-to-no-growth. Radio is said to be facing its worst crisis since the 1950s when it struggled through recession, the […]

Radio advertising could fall up to 2% this year as the local advertising sector slows, writes Mediaweek. Revenues could drop below $20bn for the first time since 2002 as the industry faces its eighth year of slow-to-no-growth. Radio is said to be facing its worst crisis since the 1950s when it struggled through recession, the Korean War and the advent of television.
From Mediaweek:, 31/12/2007

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