Stats from August 2008

Aug 30, 2008 | Uncategorized

Here are the latest stats and figures from the past month. Monthly internet usage statistics for France, March 2008 Source: Nielsen/NetRatings Home/Work Panel monthly statistics Nielsen Online: Monthly top ten French parent companies for March 2008 Source: Nielsen/NetRatings Home/Work Panel monthly statistics Nielsen Online: Top 10 popular websites in the UK, July 2008 […]

Here are the latest stats and figures from the past month.
Monthly internet usage statistics for France, March 2008

Digital Strategy data - Monthly internet usage statistics for France, March 2008

Source: Nielsen/NetRatings Home/Work Panel monthly statistics
Nielsen Online:

Monthly top ten French parent companies for March 2008

Digital Strategy data - Monthly top ten French parent companies for March 2008

Source: Nielsen/NetRatings Home/Work Panel monthly statistics
Nielsen Online:

Top 10 popular websites in the UK, July 2008

Digital Strategy data - Top 10 popular websites in the UK, July 2008

Note: This list features the most popular websites based on UK Internet usage for July 2008, ranked by market share of visits across all Hitwise industries.
Source: Hitwise Datacentre, July 2008, based on market share of visits

Active Home Internet Users by Country, June 2008

Digital Strategy data - Active Home Internet Users by Country, June 2008

Source: Nielsen/NetRatings
Nielsen Online:

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