A survey of 700 internet marketers has found that 60% of British firms intend to increase their search engine marketing in the next 12 months, writes Netimperative. The UK Search Engine Marketing Report 2007 from E-consultancy and Neutralize also found that 62% of firms will be spending more on search engine optimisation (SEO) to increase the visibility of their campaigns. 56% of those polled said that their companies spend more than £10,000 annually on paid search, while 25% spend over £100,000 annually. On average respondents said that they spend 32% of total budgets on online campaigns, of which 32% went on search marketing. 61% of the search marketing budget is spend on paid search with 33% spent on SEO. Google was considered the best search engine in five categories: return on investment, quality of traffic, volume of traffic, customer service and PPC management tools.
From Netimperative: http://www.netimperative.com, 12/04/2007
E-consultancy: http://www.e-consultancy.com
A survey of 700 internet marketers has found that 60% of British firms intend to increase their search engine marketing in the next 12 months, writes Netimperative. The UK Search Engine Marketing Report 2007 from E-consultancy and Neutralize also found that 62% of firms will be spending more on search engine optimisation (SEO) to increase […]