Top digital marketing data and case studies this week

Mar 5, 2015 | Uncategorized

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye. Instagram marketing tips: How to boost brand awareness Instagram recently gained over 300 million users, surpassing Twitter for the first time. But can the mobile-centric social network offer the same reach for brands as its older counterparts? This infographic from SalesForce […]

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye.

Instagram marketing tips: How to boost brand awareness

Instagram recently gained over 300 million users, surpassing Twitter for the first time. But can the mobile-centric social network offer the same reach for brands as its older counterparts? This infographic from SalesForce offers a guide to getting the most out of the cool new social network on the block…

Click To Enlarge

Say Cheese: Perfecting Your Instagram Strategy

Via Salesforce

TV viewing drops 4.5% but still dominates

UK TV viewing fell by 4.5% during in 2014, with digital viewing rising 17% during the same period, according to new research.

The price of privacy: Consumers value own data at £1m

Almost half of the UK population would not sell their online data for less than £1m, according to a landmark new study, even though many people are failing to take even the most basic steps to secure their information.

Top 100 YouTube channels double audience in a year

The biggest channels on YouTube have more than doubled in audience size, with a toy unboxing show proving to be the most popular, according to new research.
View a sample video from Funtoys Collector, which has over half a million views alone, here:

The latest month’s top 10 is a mixture of music, games and children’s channels, including:
1. FunToys Collector (517.3m)
2. PewDie gaming channel (417.9m)
3. Taylor Swift (361.3m views in January)
4. Russian cartoon channelGetMovies (359.5m)
5. Nursery rhymes collection Little Baby Bum (302.1m)
6. Russian animated series Masha and the Bear (287.8m)
7. Games channel Popular MMOs (266.9m)
8. More toy-unboxing with Blu Toys (255.3m)
9. Child-friendly Minecraft gamer Stampy (252.9m)
10. BuzzFeed Video (239.4m)

13 reasons why your brain craves infographics

You’ll come across infographics all over the web, but what made them so successful? This infographic from Neoman explains all.


Real-time marketing case study: How brands responded to #thedress

In February 2015, social media was divided by one explosive issue- just what colour was #thedress? The optical illusion created by a blue and black (or white and gold) dress became the biggest web phenomenon of the year so far. So how did brands respond? We look at the best tweets from the debate that split the globe …
View this video from NBC reporting on the dress buzz here:

Gaming case study: How Crossy Road made $10m in three months

‘Frogger’ style game Crossy Road made $10m in just over three months since the mobile game launched in November 2014, including $3m from in-game video advertisements.This case study looks at the secret to the games runaway success.

Social media marketing: How #FirstWorldProblems was hijacked by WATERisLIFE

Water is life worked with advertising agency DDB New York to hijack the popular #FirstWorldProblems and launch the ‘hashtag killer’. The ‘hashtag killer’ campaign was set out to eradicate the ironic #FirstWorldProblems used when people tweet about life burdens such as their phone battery dying or when leather seats aren’t heated and create awareness for serious issues in developing countries.

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