Top digital marketing data and case studies this week

Apr 9, 2015 | Uncategorized

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye. Global ad spend trends: Mobile to account for half worldwide spend by 2016 Mobile ad spend is forecast to top $100bn worldwide in 2016, accounting for more than half of the digital market, according to new research. Mobile now accounts for […]

Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye.

Global ad spend trends: Mobile to account for half worldwide spend by 2016

Mobile ad spend is forecast to top $100bn worldwide in 2016, accounting for more than half of the digital market, according to new research.

Mobile now accounts for 23% of UK digital ad spend

The average UK household now owns 7.4 devices that connect to the internet, leading to a huge rise in digital ad spend driven by mobile, according to new research.

Marketing to teens: Global digital habits revealed (infographic)

Marketing to digital savvy trends can be tricky for brands, with SnapChat, Instagram and YouTube vloggers proving some of the most popular destinations for 16-19 years olds, according to new research.

Top 20 UK sites: News outlets get mobile boost

News sites including BBC, Mail Online, and Trinity Mirror are now getting much higher mobile audiences than on desktop, according to new research looking into the top 20 UK sites online.

The rise of YouTube ads: 5 years of TrueView metrics (infographic)

This week marks the fifth anniversary since YouTube began testing TrueView as a video ad format. With all of the top 100 global brands now having run TrueView ads over the past year. This infographic tracks the growth of the popular video advertising platform.


Argentina social content case study: Movistar wins over youngsters with Facebook sitcom

To win over youngsters in Argentina, mobile network Movistar created a social media sitcom. This case study looks at how the brand made smart use of the Facebook platform to get 6.5 million views- and demand for a second season.

Social gaming case study: AirAsia ‘Friendsy’ competition lets Facebook friends share private plane

Back in April 2012, AirAsia celebrated the launch into its most-anticipated Australian hub, Sydney. With little consumer awareness in this brand new and fiercely competitive market, they wanted to create a campaign that would develop brand awareness. This case study looks at how the airline brand created a Facebook competition that lets one lucky Facebook fan commandeer their very own AirAsia plane, growing its fan base 30% and generating a PR value of $1,627,593 in the process.

Brazil social media case study: Netflix creates local movie awards

To boost its presence in Brazil, Netflix created a new award for the local market, using Facebook as its platform to amplify the campaign. This case study looks at how the video streaming firm generated social media buzz with a strong local campaign.

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