Here are the top digital marketing data and case studies that caught our eye.
Email marketing frequency: How much is too much?
Consumers are more receptive to email marketing than perhaps brands think, with highly active email users will tolerate up to an average of five messages per week before complaints start happening, according to new research.
15% of Brits blocking ads: Is free content under threat?
Almost one in seven (15%) British adults online are currently using ad blocking software – mainly because they find online ads interruptive or annoying, according to new research.
Programmatic accounts for 45% of display ads in UK
Programmatic’s share has of the UK display ad sector risen from 28% to 45% in a year and is now worth almost £1bn, according to new research from the IAB.
Infographic: Can Apple Music beat Spotify?
With Apple Music going live, this new infographic from IHS looks at how the Spotify rival could kick start the on-demand music market in the UK, US, France and Japan.
The evolution of millennials (infographic)
As the first generation to grow up around digital technology, Millenials represent a hugely important demographic to marketers. This infographic from RawNet tracks the evolution of this tech-savvy group.
P&G Whisper gets 3m Indian women to ‘Touch the Pickle’
P&G’s sanitary brand Whisper aimed to break the taboo in India around menstruation. This case study looks at how the firm came up with a powerful commercial and social media campaign encouraged 2.9 million women pledge to “touch the pickle jar” and defy dated myths- winning a Cannes Lions award for its efforts.
Vodafone’s secret app gives women in Turkey a lifeline
This year’s Grand Prix winner of the Cannes Lions 2015 Media category was Vodafone for their red light app. The secret app was disguised as a flashlight and enabled women in Turkey to ask for help when they were in danger of domestic violence.
Lucky Iron Fish Project boosts health in Cambodia
The ‘Lucky iron Fish’ project aimed to tackle iron deficiency in Cambodia by encouraging people to cook with a block of iron in their saucepans. His case study looks at how the product and social media campaign improved the luck of 10,000 families in Cambodia.