US mobile shopping trends: 4 in 5 smartphone owners shop on their device (infographic)

Nov 30, 2012 | Uncategorized

As the festive season approaches and online shopping soars, retailers can’t forget the importance of mobile. This infographic looks at mobile shopping trends looks at how 80% of smartphone owners now shop on their device in the US. The IAB in partnership with Prosper Mobile Insights released its second annual Mobile Shoppers study to show […]

As the festive season approaches and online shopping soars, retailers can’t forget the importance of mobile. This infographic looks at mobile shopping trends looks at how 80% of smartphone owners now shop on their device in the US.

The IAB in partnership with Prosper Mobile Insights released its second annual Mobile Shoppers study to show where mobile shopping hotspots are around the US as well as how consumers are influenced by apps and digital coupons.
In the infographic below, it shows the top three cities for mobile shopping are Houston, Seattle and San Francisco. other interesting facts include:
• In 2012, 68% of Americans owned a smartphone/ tablet (up from 57% percent in 2011)
• More than 80% of smartphone owners accessed retailer websites or apps on their device
• Not surprisingly, smartphone shoppers tend to be younger than those who shop on their desktops and are evenly split between males and females
• Over half of smartphone owners, and nearly 30 percent of tablet owners, have used their devices in a store in the past three months
• Even though penetration rate of QR code usage by consumers is quite low, nearly half of US consumers have QR readers on their devices.

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