Teleflora embraces the power of female complements in the USA
Floral delivery service Teleflora partnered with Emmy Award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love to encourage women to #LoveOutLoud. The retailer is encouraging people to go overboard and shower the special people in your lift with love – one handmade, hand-delivered Teleflora bouquet at a time. Loni takes to the streets of Los Angeles in Teleflora’s ‘Love Out Loud truck’ to surprise women and share unexpected compliments and bouquets. We see heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens — women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears. Integrated advertisement created by The Wonderful Agency, United States for Teleflora.
Cadbury offers escape for singles in India
Cadbury 5 Star, a chocolate bar brand from Mondelez, took a humorous approach Valentine’s Day this year, highlighting the hurting question for all singles on Valentine’s day: ‘What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?’. The ad film begins by showcasing a V-day scene of all flowery and embarrassing events that happen on the day, and offers an island escape…
Puerto de Indias amplifies the love via influencers in Spain
Brand Puerto de Indias celebrates Valentine’s Day with the popular influencer Aida Domenech, with 3 million Instagram followers. The Spanish gin and Serviceplan Spain, launches a special collection of its iconic pink bottle, unifying the red colour of strawberries and love, resulting in four original bottle designs chosen by consumers of the sweet gin. These designs were tested among the #PuertoLovers and, after the success obtained, they decided to listen to their followers and not keep just one, but launch them all. Each of them is inspired by a phase of love to celebrate the moment in which we feel: Attraction, Seduction, Falling in Love and Real Love.
Hotels.com puts exes in the dumpster with Anti-Valentine’s Day booking tool
Last year, Hotels.com gained attention by not getting into the spirit of Valentine’s Day. The vacation booking website invited users to visit their V-Day Dumpster Stay web page and write about why their ex deserves a vacation in a dumpster. All entries we put into a competition to win a $300 gift card for use at Hotels.com so they can enjoy a vacation with someone for whom they aren’t seeking revenge.
Deliveroo and KFC earns media with ‘Bucket ring’ in Singapore
Last year, food delivery company Deliveroo partnered with KFC for a Valentine’s Day campaign in Singapore. Called “Will Delive-Roo Be My Valentine”, the campaign let consumers surprise their date with a limited edition KFC bucket ring. The idea was conceptualised by PR agency AKA Asia. Targeting foodies and fans of both Deliveroo and KFC, the consumers will have to pre-order the Valentine’s Day combo a day in advance to have the meal and ring delivered on 14 February. Deliveroo aimed to increase brand love and top-of-mind-awareness for its brand, while heightening awareness of KFC’s offerings on Deliveroo. Both brands also look to gain earned media share of voice. The campaign was supported by earned media engagements, with publicity pushed on Deliveroo’s owned channels such as website, social media and EDM. Both brands also teamed up last year for Valentine’s Day, and unveiled a combo meal that came with an Instagrammable heart shaped box.
thortful talks the language of love in cross platform UK campaign
Online greeting card marketplace thortful launched their first major integrated campaign in 2022 that illustrates the true potential and impact of giving the perfect card to the right person. The TV-led campaign, by independent creative agency isobel, launched with its first video ad, for Valentine’s Day, with the brand line: ‘that’s really really really really really really really thortful’. ‘Dolphin’ features a couple who break into their unique language of love triggered by one giving the other a thortful Valentine’s Day card. The wider integrated campaign will then run across broadcast TV, VOD, radio, social and digital channels. The media is planned by Mostly Media. The campaign was written by isobel’s Tom Dyson and Lance Boreham, and the TV commercial was Directed by Mike Maguire, through Outsider.