Tablets and mobiles account for nearly a third of visits to youth websites

Nov 14, 2013 | Mobile

Almost one third (31%) of visits to youth and young-adult focused websites in the first half of 2013 came from tablets and mobiles, according to new figures released by youth entertainment & lifestyle sales house w00t! Media. w00t! Media measured over two billion visits to youth/young adult (16-34 year olds) entertainment and lifestyle websites between […]

Almost one third (31%) of visits to youth and young-adult focused websites in the first half of 2013 came from tablets and mobiles, according to new figures released by youth entertainment & lifestyle sales house w00t! Media.

w00t! Media measured over two billion visits to youth/young adult (16-34 year olds) entertainment and lifestyle websites between January 2012 and June 2013 to see which devices were being used to access the content. The sites measured are visited by almost 9.4 million unique UK people – over a fifth of Britons online – according to comScore unduplicated data.
Tablets accounted for almost one in every eight visits (12%) in the first half of 2013, after a 320 percent increase in the number of visits on 2012. In comparison, comScore data shows that tablets account for 8.7%¹ of all web pages viewed in the UK.
w00t! Media predicts the share of visits from tablets to youth/young-adult entertainment and lifestyle sites will hit 15 percent of by the end of 2013.
Apple’s iPad accounts for 91 percent of tablet visits to these sites, followed by Samsung’s Galaxy Tab (2.9%), Amazon’s Kindle (2.8%) and Google’s Nexus (1.8%).
Smartphones accounted for 19 percent for visits to these sites in the first half of 2013, after a 137 percent increase in the number of visits on 2012. w00t! Media predicts the number of smartphone visits will grow a further 60 percent during the second half of this year.
Apple accounted for 70 percent of smartphone visits in the first half of 2013 – down six percentage points on 2012, all of which was ‘eaten up’ by Android (up six points to 25%). Other devices, including Blackberry and Windows account for just 5 percent of smartphone visits to these type of sites.
Dan McDevitt, joint Managing Director of w00t! Media says: “Both publishers and advertisers need to stay relevant to their audiences but this is crucial to those targeting Generation Y. The IAB recently showed that 11% of the UKs 100 biggest advertisers² use responsive design – sites that automatically display content in the most appropriate way for whichever device a consumer is using. When targeting youth audiences around entertainment & lifestyle content, adoption levels simply can’t be that low, or all parties run the risk of becoming quickly out-of-date.”
Between January 2012 and June 2013, w00t! Media measured over two billion visits to a portfolio of youth-focused websites with a combined monthly audience of almost 9.4 million unique (i.e. unduplicated) UK visitors according to comScore.

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