UK online adspend ‘now accounts for 3 in every 5 pounds spent’

UK adspend rose 5.6% year-on-year to reach £5.97bn in Q3 2019, 0.8 percentage points ahead of forecast, according to new research Warc and the Ad Association.

Media industry trends for 2020: Collaboration culture, remote working and voice assistants for everything

Andy Wilson, Head of Media, Dropbox, shares his insights about the state of the European media industry and how technology is fundamentally shifting the way professionals collaborate and communicate.

CES 2020 roundup: AI skincare assistants, virtual humans and loo roll fetching bots

The CES consumer tech show in Las Vegas features thousands of companies from Google and Samsung to unknown startups, all showcasing their ‘next big thing’ in tech. We take a look at the most notable gadgets to come out of this year’s expo, from the innovative to the odd.

8 trends for CES 2020: Cat waiters, Uber Air and Apple’s first appearance

CES in Las Vegas has just begun, showcasing cutting-edge gadgets, apps and products that could shape technology in the 20s, with ecommerce, short videos and facial recognition dominating the pre-event hype.

The worst marketing fails of 2019: Area 51 aliens, lethal smoothies and competition calamities

As 2019 draws to a close, we look at some of the biggest marketing blunders of the year. From the US military threatening to bomb alien hunters to lethal conker recipes, there were plenty of mistakes from companies that should know better. Read on, learn from the mistakes and hope your team doesn’t make the list in 2020…

The year in review: 16 biggest digital trends of 2019

2019 was another big year for digital marketing, with the rise of TikTok, audio ads going mainstream and Google buying FitBit. This was the year that Uber went public, brands became activists and the world’s biggest game vanished down a black hole. As the digital decade comes to a close, we’ve identified 17 of the biggest trends of the year.