Global digital ad trends: Facebook reaches 2.02bn people with ads worldwide

The number of people that can be reached on Facebook via ads is now 2.02 billion, compared to 970 million on Instagram, 398 million on Snapchat and 386 million on twitter, according to new research.

Case study: Adidas uses Google data insights to create targeted storytelling and more relevant product messages

In a crowded marketplace, Adidas needed a way to stand out from the competition and serve relevant messages to people at crucial points in their purchase decisions. This case study looks at how the sportswear brand used programmatic display ads to tell exactly the right stories to the right people, at the right step in the customer’s journey to maximise sales.

Marketing budgets drop at fastest rate since last recession amid Covid-19 crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has led to cuts to all forms of marketing activity in the UK, dropping 6.1% overall, but marketers are being urged to think twice before pulling spend, according to the latest IPA Bellwether report.

Only 5% of Brits want brands to ‘pause advertising altogether’ during Coronavirus pandemic

Almost half (42%) of UK consumers want ads to make them feel more informed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but only 5% of Brits would like brands to pause their advertising altogether, according to new research.

The FTSE 100 stocks hit hardest by COVID-19

Travel companies Carnival and easyJet are among those FTSE 100 stocks most affected by the Coronavirus crisis, dropping over 60% in the last three months, with only three stocks actually rising, according to new data.